Saturday, June 23, 2012

First Blogging Award!

I was pleasantly surprised and very honored when I opened my Blogger this morning to find an award from Teacher Mom of 3 !!  She has a wonderful blog so you should check her out!  I have now awarded all of these other wonderful people as well.  Hopefully I did this right and everything works!!  I have tried to make sure that I follow all of these people but my internet is being funky today.  So I will keep watching my Blogger to make sure that I am following all of you!
Here are the rules for this award:
Once you receive the award, you must follow 3 rules: 

1.  Follow the person that gave you the award
2.  Link back to the person that gave you the award 
3.  Pass the award on to 15 new bloggers


Teaching Maddeness

Tales from Room 112


Delighted in Second

Classroom Fun
Classroom Fun

005 Watkins Way
Second Grade Nest

Mrs. Kietzman's Classroom

Teach on a Limb

Inspired Writing Teacher

Also, shout out to Will Grade for Coffee, who is having a WONDERFUL GIVEAWAY!! Yes that is my shouting and exciting voice!  Check out the awesome things she is giving away and follow all of those wonderful people!


  1. Thank you Brittany. I was thrilled with the award. I am also quite new to the blogging world. My adventure started in March. I am your newest follower.
    Classroom Fun

  2. Thank you so much Brittany for the award! I am away for my actual computer and can't wait to post about it and send you a shout out!


    005 Watkin's Way

  3. Thanks Brittany! Too sweet!


  4. AwwWWWW! Thanks, Brittany! I feel like I should be giving it back to you for your cutie-patootie blog!

    Hmmm, now who to pass this delicious honor on to....

    Peacocks and Penguins - 4th Grade

  5. Thank you so very much! I am honored!


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